This Unit contains Three readings:
1. Lesson from the Battle of Uhud (History)
2. The Lingkuan Gorge (Story)
3. “IF” (Poem) Rudyard Kipling’s
Pre Reading:
Lesson from the Battle of Uhud:
You must have read about the Battle of Uhud, the second battle between the followers of the Holy Prophet (ittik) and Ahie Qureish. Whal do you think is the lesson referred to in this essay?
The Lingkuan Gorge:
The narrator of the story is on his way to reach the site of his job but cold and snow detain him and he meets a little kid looking after his little sister while his parents are working down below in the mountains. Though very sleepy the little kid refuses to go to sleep. Hearing what the little kid says, the narrator at once jumps to his feet and gets ready to reach the place of his duty. Why? What do you think the little kid said to him?
If: (Poem)
The poet in this poem advises his son to be an enthusiastic young man. He tells his son that if he is truthful, dutiful, studious, steadfast and resourceful, then this earth and everything that is in it, are for him and he will be a successful man.
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